With relationships {coupling}. As Students, your emotions may not cope up with love and thus delving into it causes more confusion which resultantly affects your Academic performance. Early love may result into teenage pregnancy, maternal death, STDS and criminal offences of defilement which shatters one’s dreams. It would be prudent upon you to pause love in your student time and move on with academics. Reserve or think about love relationship when done with Education when you can make mature right choices and accept responsibility of parent hood. Realistically, as Student; it’s normal to get attraction to opposite sex but don’t let feelings overlap you.

Neutralize them by not making your mind idle. Idle mind is devil’s workshop. Have something to read {including spiritual books} engage in sports or physical fitness drills to make your body sweat. prove me out you will feel relieved.

Avoid Alcohol and drug abuse. Never dare to try it or even befriend a student who is addict. This abuse can never allow you to concentrate on Academics. Drug and alcohol abuse cause early death; one is vulnerable to be criminal since with no self control. If you happen to have started it; open up to close friend, parent, a close teacher, school chaplain- counselor who can offer great

help to you.

Don’t be taken up by watching, music and other extra curricular activities at expense of Academics. If you want your talent to go higher, you need first to equally Excel in Academics. The more you climb Academic ladders, the more opportunities to unlock your Talent potential to fullness.

Be yourself, don’t behave to favour Peer judgement. You are unique, with unique life journey. It’s ok to socialize with others but consider what value they add in your life. Have friends that Journey with you to achieve your life dream. Conversely, should you have friends that pull you back, unfriend 11them. Remember your school certificate will always bear your personal name and score.

Your Parents’ wealth should not make you arrogant in school neither cause automatic comfort in you that you will be rich. Indeed, thank God to be blessed and use your parent’s wealth to help you achieve life dreams. By that, you will maintain your family wealth and even create more wealth by

yourself. However, some children have had wrong perception from well to do families; have become unserious with academics ended up being nuisance and consequently become paupers after death of Parents. Not making use of Teachers. Teachers are in school entirely to help students

to reach their full potential. engage them without fear over any Academic and life challenges

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