NWSC extends safe and clean water to urban poor communities in Greater Kampala metropolitan area

Kampala city has population of over 3 million people and 60% of this population live in slum areas. National water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has an institutional strategic plan to extend safe and clean water for ALL. The research of NWSC found out that most of the slum dwellers ( Urban poor) used contaminated water and others trekked long distances to access clean and safe water. Thus, putting hygiene and sanitation of slum dwellers at risk hence suffering from water borne diseases like diarrhea, cholera and typhoid and buying jerricans of water expensively , becoming tired due to trekking long distances and girls becoming vulnerable to teenage pregnancies because of trekking long distances without parental control .
According to Mr.Siragi Bassaja- Branch Manager Urban pro poor- Kampala Water; more than 6000 public stand points ( PSPs) have been installed including pre-paid metres. Mr.Siragi Bassaja says Kampala Water (KW) 1000 PSPs Project initiated in 2019 is projected to set up 1000 PSPs around Urban pro poor in areas of Greater metropolitan Kampala ( Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono) every financial year. Mr. Siragi Bassaja notes that these PSPs are left to be managed by Stakeholders selling each Jerrican at 50 Ug Shillings and through Community mobilizers , NWSC keeps an eye to make sure customers are not exploited by charging them high prices.
Manager Siragi Bassaja says that KW 1000 PSPs Project is doing well because Kampala Water Region is able to collect 378 Millions ug Shillings in sales and revenue each month , Community sanitation and general health has improved drastically and NWSC continues vigorously to sensitize Urban poor communities about KW 1000 PSPs Project so that it’s objectives are fully realized.

Mr. Siragi Bassaja inferably thanks NWSC management under auspices of Dr.Eng Silver Mugisha for such innovative corporate packages that are meant to cause welfare of masses targeting Citizenry of low socio-economic status that fulfils NWSC strategic plan of providing safe and clean water for all.
Igambirine Hillary
Patriotic News

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