Kyamate SSS arson incident is microcosm of lack of holistic parenting and education of post Covid 19 Lockdown era learners

Recently we woke up to sad news of burning a dormitory of Kyamate SSS in Ntungamo District where it’s alleged a expelled student due to teasing and bullying retaliated , tied a senior student and died in the arson incident. We have gone further to see seven suspects appearing before a magistrate for a mention of their case and remanded in prison and later take plea before High Court since their case is tried before High Court.

This arson incident is microcosm of poor parenting we give to our children and lack of holistic education to our learners.

Parents have become too busy with work and their parental role has been left to maids hence raising ” a maid generation” whose moral fibre is in question. Parents rarely talk to their children, they don’t know what goes in lives of their children, parents rarely promote spirituality ingredient in their families. Parents even work on Sundays to look for money…. parents fallaciously believe that all what their children need is school fees and scholaristic materials but forget that children need more of their attention, guidance and counselling. Children end up growing up with psycho-social and emotional instabilities .A parent is a first Teacher to a child, a family is first school of child.
Schools have encouraged academics at expense of other components. A holistic education touches mind, body and soul of a learner. Some schools rarely promote extra curricular activities, others don’t have school Chaplains to attend to students’ spirituality. Parents have been flim flamed to believe that good schools should only produce good academic grades. They rarely delve into other learners’ needs. Secondary students are undergoing adolescent stage and biologically have alot of energy . Therefore, not subjecting them to physical activity means you are seated on time bomb, as they grow up( transition age) it’s prudent upon school administration and teachers to not only believe their responsibility involves teaching subject content and completing syllabus coverage only but rather cause holistic education to learners.
Pre Covid 19 Lockdown era learners and post Covid 19 Lockdown era learners are totally different. The latter got exposed to many vices like drug / alcohol abuse, gambling- betting , fornication, watched pornographic material, violent films , others became too permissive since their parents are rarely home to watch them. Thus, this new class of learners need a systematic handling. What most schools did as they reported to school. They emphasized only academic teaching but forgot to assess mental status of their learners. Admittedly, these learners needed alot of orientation/ formation to become good learners. How many schools organise spiritual retreats, motivational talks , guidance and counselling. How many parents in PTA meetings that demand such ” diagnosis ” for their children. Parents and teachers gravitate to only get good grades. Some school administrators target profits at expense of learners unlocking their potentiality to fullness. They know having school chaplain, a motivational speaker, spiritual retreat and organizing extra curricular activities goes with a cost. School administrators are cognizant of parents ignorance of needs of learners and hoodwink parents with good grades which even others cheat hence providing a half baked education. This total dismantle of future for these learners.

It’s high time schools started giving holistic education, parents causing holistic parenting that touches mind, body and soul of their children. Less of that; we will continue witnessing many Kyamate SSS incidents in other schools and other all immoral behaviour with our children which

will affect moral fabric of our young generation.

Parents ; we have generational and moral duty to shape lives of children into morally upright citizens. Schools; stop duping parents; you are mandated to provide holistic Education to learners. Education that doesn’t touch mind, body and soul of a learner is not Education at all.

Igambirine Hillary.

Education Motivational Speaker.
Former Headmaster/ Deputy Headmaster- Secondary school.

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