St Jude Thadeo Vocational Training Institution- Kitabi subjects its students to workshop on equipping them with Work values in the employment world

St Jude Thadeo Vocational Institution- Kitabi( St Jude) is a church founded Institution run by Daughters of Mary- Bannabikiria Sisters currently headed by Sister Principal Harriet Nassolo.
Today; a celebrated motivational speaker one Igambirine Hillary was a chief facilitator before the forementioned Institution and reminded them of their unique blessing in labour market cognizant of high demand for hands on skilled people and government’s priority to skill citizenry as mitigation approach to this skyrocketed unemployment . Igambirine Hillary called upon students to be God fearing, ethical and be agents of honesty,truth,loyalty, self respect , manage time very well and be uniquely branded with a product and service to stand out in crowd . Igambirine Hillary inferably called upon students not to hurry for marriage but rather prepare by first getting economically empowered since marriage is all about responsibility . He said government will not eliminate 39% of population in moneyless economy when family members are not skilled which makes St Jude a partner with government in causing social-economic transformation agenda.
St Jude Thadeo Vocational Institution-Kitabi offers motley of courses in Accountancy, secretarial studies , Catering, Fashion and Design, Hair dressing Cosmetology,, Computer studies inter alia.

Sheila Ainomugisha
Patriotic News

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