When a teacher discovers that Student has learning challenges, he is technically called to give individual attention to bring her up to learning level of gifted learners.

Your teaching should embrace retention of gifted and slow learners. Slow learners must be encouraged to participate in learning and reward them when one tries.

Use Group discussions where gifted learners are spread in all groups so that slow learners study from gifted learners. when marking exam scripts, give comments to tell out answering weaknesses of learner, you may go further to request a learner to see you individually and share her weaknesses and how best to improve and confirm to her she has potential to improve if guided precautions are adhered to.

Inspire that weak learner and show you believe in her to improve. Never embarrass weak learner in class before others. It affects her self-belief, self-esteem and self-confidence. A great Teacher is one that inspires learner.

The Mediocre Teacher tells, a good Teacher explains, Superior Teacher demonstrates, A GREAT TEACHER INSPIRES -William Arthur As Teachers; we are supposed to help all learners make them best and experience shows that when learners with Academic challenges are individually attended they perform excellently. Dr.Ben Carson – greatest Nuero Surgeon in USA was not the best in class, Sir Winston Churchill -former prime minister of Britain was once a last in class, the Jack Ma – billionaire in China we’re not the best but their Teachers defined their 10future.

A Best Teacher is that one that makes ordinary learner extra ordinary one-Igambirine Hillary.

A good Teacher makes a weak learner to progressively improve.

By and large, parents and teachers can execute their duty deligently and still a learner fails to improve. A final decision lies with learner to improve. Learner’s indomitable will improves her performance, overlaps others and plays domineering and pivotal role to jumpstart improved Academic performance of a student.

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