General manager NWSC-Mbarara Dennis Muramuzi Araali says Mbarara City livelihood and development is premised on saving River Rwizi

General Manager National Water and Sewerage Corporation(NWSC) -Mbarara Dennis Muramuzi Araali has said that people should be cognizant of the fact that Greater Mbarara draws 80% of clean water from R.Rwizi.

Mr. Dennis Muramuzi said that Mbarara City has witnessed sprung up of factories like Nile Breweries, Coca Cola , Milk plants , many hotels and other construction activities that need large volumes of water and suffice to note is that Mbarara City population increases each day that challenges NWSC to have sustainable and dependable water sources to meet water supply needs . Mr.Dennis Muramuzi says its an ultimate raison d’etre that he calls for every one to collectively save River Rwizi and denounce all forms of environmental degradation like reckless disposal of plastic bottles , polythene paper bags in the river, carrying out agricultural activities near River line making soil to run into the river and allowing disposal
of industrial waste in the river that affects water quality resultantly making NWSC to spend alot on chemicals to purify raw water. Mr Dennis Muramuzi echoed also on massive deforestation that affects ecosystem of R.Rwizi area and called upon all people to plant more trees to maintain proper balance in environment and improve quality of air inter alia.
Igambirine Hillary
Patriotic News.

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