H.E Museveni was right in Russia- Africa Summit to say that “Africa’s export of raw materials is haemorrhage that has stunted African growth “.

As African leaders were called upon to submit before the Russian- Africa summit that took place in St petersburg; H.E Museveni identified Pertinent bottleneck towards social-economic transformation of Africa. His submission was in consonance with how Europe caused economic reconstruction after first and second World wars and even how Asia mitigated economic stagnation after years of colonial exploitation and wars of liberation. Suffice to say ; Europe and Asia embraced industrialisation journey to revamp their economies.
H.E Museveni cognizant of this world history; he showcased how Africa is cheated by exporting raw materials. A case in point; he identified coffee.

H.E Museveni said that total world earnings from coffee is 460 billions USD and World coffee producing countries get only 25 billions USD where as African coffee producing countries get 2.4 billions USD . He identified Uganda getting 800 millions USD. H.E Museveni went further to say that Germany a non coffee producing gets 6.85 billions USD bigger than what African coffee producing countries get.
H.E Museveni identified that 1kg of coffee; Uganda gets 2.5 USD where as outside countries that process and roast coffee get about 40 USD.

H.E Museveni went further to encourage value addition on all other products like minerals so that Africa gets higher export earnings. To adumbrate it; H.E Museveni implored African countries to embrace value addition to their raw materials and equally implored Russia and her allies to buy finished products from Africa not raw materials to jump-start economic development of Africa.

Igambirine Hillary

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