Hon Annet Katusiime Mugisha kick starts lobbying for hard to reach schools in Ruhumuro Subcounty- Bushenyi District

Following Hon Annet Katusiime Mugisha’s supervision of Bushenyi District schools and subsequent release of Bushenyi District Mock Results 2022; Hon Katusiime Annet Mugisha observed inter alia that Ruhumuro Subcounty had  poor learning environment especially in hard to reach schools  and poor mock results where 272 primary seven  pupils in  Ruhumuro Subcounty   sat for Bushenyi District Mock , only three came in first grade, 21 ( 2nd) , 28 ( 3rd) , 125 ( 4th) 154 (U) ,19 (X) , Hon Katusiime Annet Mugisha found  out that  there was irregular attendance of pupils because rains would make pupils miss lessons since most of them studied under trees because of lacking enough classrooms and different classes  would  be mixed   in one class which resultantly affected teaching and learning process. This learning  status-quo  precipitated Hon Katusiime Annet Mugisha  to exigently lobby to mitigate this learning environment challenge. 

Hon Katusiime Annet Mugisha in liason with Bushenyi District local government forwarded this  education challenge to Ministry of Education who partnered with UNICEF to supply and erect temporary shelters for Kasa , Karama and Kayanga primary schools  as hard to reach primary schools as the Ministry of Education  looks for a permanent solution.

A Reporter of Patriotic News while interviewing Hon Annet Katusiime Mugisha; the Bushenyi District Woman Member of Parliament said that every Ugandan child has  a right to Education and as a leader and mother; Child’s right to Education should never be violated and will always make sure that education of Bushenyi children is her priority. Hon Katusiime Annet Mugisha inferably put it that “education is most powerful weapon one can use to change  society”. Nelson Mandela.

The school administrators of Kasa , Karama and Kayanga primary schools were grateful to Hon Katusiime Annet Mugisha over her quick intervention especially in such rainy season where pupils would miss lessons because of lacking where to study from  and prayed for her as she looks for a permanent solution to  their education needs.

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