Hon Thomas Tayebwa’s counter submission was right but it became erroneous when it crossed a political line.

I listened very well to the clip by Deputy Speaker Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa as he responded to one NRM historical that made some submissions that he considered demeaning to Legislature as an arm of government . I have also listened to a reaction of one NRM Bushenyi Cadre – Andy Yellow who showed his displeasure over what he termed as attacking NRM historicals by the speaker.

Hon Thomas Tayebwa is very right to defend image of 11th Parliament that is under his auspices. Political decorum would invite one to use right procedure and channels to forward any issue that befits parliamentary development other than using public gallery that one may misinterpret it to demean Parliament as an institution. Political decorum further invites our leaders to have restraint and Political sensitivity. If one of the leaders makes insensitive and uncalled for statement; the best political recourse is to cause tete-a-tete engagement between parties other than delving into rebuttals that are vulnerable to mixed reactions and misinterpretations. As NRM family, we gravitate to see our leaders having harmony , unity and cohesion.

There are two things I wanted to make a commentary on Hon Thomas Tayebwa’s reaction. On insinuating that a young generation should not be interested to know what happened in Uganda’s pre 1986 status quo. Conversely, any Patriotic citizen should be cognizant of his/ her Country’s political History to mitigate present Country’s challenges and make it’s tomorrow a history. 11th Parliament is culmination of our political History. NRA/ M Revolution ushered in parliamentary democracy that Uganda has enjoyed over time. These historicals played a pivotal and domineering role to have this democracy we are enjoying. Thus, it’s politically insensitive to refute political relevancy of these historicals/ old Turks cognizant that some even paid the ultimate price. The young generation must have Cordial rapport with old Turks because their guidance is perpetually needed if we are to guard mission and objectives of NRA/ M Revolution. Secondly, Hon Thomas Tayebwa also underestimated the role of Ideology towards national development. Ideological purity/ clarity of any Revolution is core. All European / Asian countries have developed because of their clear ideology. Uganda’s political History was premised on anarchy, turmoil, economic stagnation because of lack of clear ideology among leaders and populace. Politics were fused with religion because of lack of clear ideology . Political parochialism can’t make any country to develop. Instabilities we see in middle East and other countries is because of lack of ideological purity . The Kyakwanzi leadership school Hon Tayebwa down plays has played big role in ideological orientation of Citizenry..no wonder this explains why Uganda has been peaceful for long time.
We Salute Hon.Thomas Tayebwa for so far Patriotic service rendered to our country. As NRM Cadres; we love seeing young folks in age bracket of Hon Thomas Tayebwa taking up big offices. It’s microcosm of NRM party being a people’s party and multi-ideological. It’s our generational duty to narrow gap between us as a young generation and old Turks of NRA/M Revolution to realize mission and vision of our Revolution.

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