Firstly, for a student to do well in school; must first discover who she/ he is, what she/ he wants in life, identify her/his dream and be led by her/ his dream. Often times, students are not true to themselves, want to live others life, are not perfect to themselves. Be yourself, be true you and be best you.

You are created in unique way, follow your unique dream, walk a personal Academic journey, you will achieve your goals. Your Academic certificate will bear your only name, thus discern from peer group pre -occupied with non-Academic issues.

Dear students; to improve your grades, you must sorround yourself with serious Academic friends. Factually, the friends one has tend to have impact on Academic performance. If you have friends that spend most of the time in 6non Academic issues, expect poor grades. Sorround yourself with

academically serious students that will help you in Academic discussions, Fellow student is best Teacher to you in subjects or papers you feel you are weak. It’s to day to disassociate yourself from friends that cause Academic distractions. Fake friends make you get fake results. Reading Smartly by designing a personal time table. Let those challenging subjects /papers appear often in your personal time table.

Create positive attitude on subjects/papers you feel you are weak and even Teachers that teach them. Our attitude determines our results. Experience tells that students score poor grades by prejudices they hold on certain subjects.

To improve your grades; consult your subject Teachers, engage them with questions. Indeed, students who ask teachers are good they read, they meet Academic challenges that force them to consult Teachers to get Academic solutions. Teachers are in school to entirely help you and it’s your cardinal and moral duty to make use of them.

Imperative to note, to cause Academic revolution in yourself, you must be a must use your library to supplement Teachers’ notes. A teacher gives like 50%, the rest is self Discovery. STUDENTS who score highly are great researchers.

As one reads Teachers notes, uses library…make sure you have SUMMARY BOOK OF EVERY SUBJECT/PAPER. This summary book helps one to revise many topics in short time. Most students make mistake of reading wide notes when having little hours to do exams As Student; identify your priority in your Academic journey. Your priority is books to define your future.why delve in non Academic issues like music, watching, sports, funny stories etc. Your student time is your prime time to unlock your potentiality to fullness. You waste your student time, you kill your

future, shatter your dreams Value your time. Time is a precious. All students have equal time but how you use that time determines difference in results. Use Student time sparingly for your academics.Extra curricular activities come in to refresh your mind Your personal discipline is core to improve your grades. Discipline and Academic excellence are intertwined, inseparable. Discipline is doing right even when not watched. Discipline is doing a right thing in right place at right time.

Dear Students; as girls never allow your mind to be taken up by boys’lies through so called Love. Academic struggle and love are never allies. Never allow such trash in your mind.pre occupy your mind with reading, go for 7sports. Idle mind is devils workshop. Indeed, the so called Love from boys is not love but lust intended to confuse you.

As a student to improve your personal grades, you must pray to God. What you pray to God is given. Our God is A merciful and all giving. Always pray to God to give you wisdom, good health and bless your Academic efforts.

To students in O-level; you must create positive attitude towards sciences. We behave and act by what we process in our minds. Some Students perform poorly because of ill-conceived misconceptions that sciences are difficult. Indeed, sciences are easier to pass when you carry out extensive reading. Looking at labour market, there are countless employment opportunities for engineers and medical Personel.

To A-Level Students, balancing papers becomes a problem. It’s useless to score Distinction in one paper and get a Fail in another. The grand grading is poor. Therefore, try to give equal attention to all papers and if one paper is difficult for you; give it extra attention, research, consult a teacher and even a fellow student that performs better in that said paper to help you Suffice to note, what has been stopping you to perform better is no one else but YOU. Therefore, to cause Academic change in you is to TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, YOUR ATTITUDE, UNFRIEND UNSERIOUS FRIENDS, BE SORROUNDED BY FRIENDS TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS, MAKING USE OF YOUR TEACHERS. RE INVENT YOURSELF, BE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF, BE YOURSELF, BE LED BY YOUR DREAMS.

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