NWSC-Bushenyi Area hands over a fully furnished Toilet facility to Kizinda Town Council

Today morning; National Water and Sewerage corporation (NWSC) -Bushenyi Area under auspices of Eng Sam Kiggundu handed over a fully completed and furnished Toilet facility to kizinda Town Council.

Hon Annet Katusiime Mugisha-_Bushenyi District Woman member of Parliament was chief Guest before Technical team and political leadership of Kizinda Town Council. The Toilet facility is meant to serve Kizinda Market community . The Mayor , Town Clerk and chairman LC 5 – Jaffari Bassajabalaba made courtesy visit to Managing Director of NWSC -Dr.Eng Silver Mugisha where therein; revealed exigent need for a Toilet facility since the prevailing one had developed cracks which would endanger users. Dr.Silver Mugisha promised them to offer the donation since its in comsonance with corporate strategic clarity to give back to community as corporate social responsibility.
Hon Annet Katusiime Annet Mugisha showcased her gratitude to NWSC being the most performing public Utility company destined to serve citizenry. Hon Annet Katusiime Mugisha said as she interacts with her fellow Honourable colleagues and visits their constituencies ; all leaders appreciate performance of NWSC as an institution. She inferably called upon leaders of Kizinda Town Council to be cognizant of maintenance component of a donation given so that its durable in serving community people.

Eng Kiggundu Sam- Bushenyi Area Manager-NWSC extended his sincere appreciation to Dr.Silver Mugisha for having exigently heard public outcry and acted very fast by releasing funds that made his office to complete the works in one month. Eng Sam Kiggundu appreciated the cordial rapport his office had with Kizinda Town Council and chairman LC5 for having given solid supervision and guidance required. Eng Sam Kiggundu assured that his technical team lead by Bushenyi Area Engineer Williamson did quality work which was ascertained by Technical Team and political leadership of kizinda Town Council.

The function was concluded with Tree planting in the council as overtone to promote environment conservation and green belt in Kizinda Town Council

Igambirine Hillary

Patriotic News

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