We live in digital era that has invented Smartphones. All this invites us as students to READ SMARTLY. Digital era does not invite us to read hard but to read smartly. Reading objectively is an Art, Thus, to score high grades one must design his or her reading. Some guidance on it

  • Do you have personal Time Table? How often do your weaksubjects/papers appear in your Time table?
  • How do you prepare for your prep.
  • How do you condense your wide notes.
  • How do you handle yourself when you become sleepy in prep.
  • How do you assess yourself whether you have understood what you read
  • in prep.
  • How do you discern from academic distractions.
  • How do you develop self-drive and direction in your academic journey.
  • To be expounded later in subsequent submissions. Read keenly and internalize every word

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