Rev.Fr.Katusiime Hillary- Kitabi Parish Priest ; promises to give all support to St Maria Gorreti Kitabi Girls primary school as the school celebrates Silver Jubilee

While the Kitabi Parish Priest- Rev.Fr.Katusiime Hillary was giving his brief remarks before the main Celebrant His Grace The Archbishop of mbarara Archdiocese Lambert Beinomugisha said that he is going to support the said school in his religious jurisdiction as a Parish Priest. He went further to thank His Grace The Archbishop for sparing his time to preside over Silver Jubilee celebrations of St Maria Gorreti Kitabi Girls primary school cognizant of his tight schedule. Fr.Katusiime Hillary inferably called upon parents to do their role deligently like solid parenting of their school children, paying fees on time and meeting other school requirements.

Igambirine Hillary
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