Sister Principal of St Jude Thadeo Vocational Institution- Kitabi implored her students to be morally upright in the employment world

While yesterday students of St Jude were undergoing workshop under auspices of Great Lakes Education motivational speakers under aegis of Igambirine Hillary; Sr.Nassolo Harriet – Sister Principal implored her students to be morally upright wherever they are to work. Cases in point; she called upon her students to be honest, loyal and have self respect. Sr.Harriet Nassolo went further to remind her students to discern provocative dress code, value time, embrace team work and be dedicated. Sr.Harriet Nassolo inferably said that there is no any place of work that is ready to recruit any worker whose moral fibre is in question.
St Jude Thadeo Vocational Institution- Kitabi was founded and is run by Daughters of Mary – Religious Congregation of Sisters . It offers motley of courses like Catering, Fashion and Design , Hair dressing Cosmetology, Computer studies, Secretarial studies, Accounting and Finance. Its located opposite Kitabi Parish Church. Principal can be reached on 0770974669/ 0705050454.

Igambirine Hillary.
Patriotic News

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